Trial Instructions

You will receive two charts like below:


How To Use The Charts

Using the charts is very simple. When the ball lands on a number in the "Last Winning Number" vertical column, on the NEXT spin you bet on the "Where To Bet" numbers in the corresponding horizontal row.

EXAMPLE: If you used Chart 1 below and the ball landed on 4, then for the next spin you bet ONE CHIP on each number: 4,21,2,25,17,34,6,27,13,36,11,30,8,23,18. You do NOT need to bet all numbers. Bet as many as you want.


The Rules

  • Start by using either chart (1 or 2). If you win, use the same chart again. If you lose, then use the other chart on the next spin. Just repeat the process.
  • Check the ball is at least the same size and color when you collected the spins you sent us. See the photos at it doesn't need to be exactly the same ball. It just needs to be the same size and color. Also check the ball is mostly hitting the same diamond as when you collected the spins you sent us. This is to ensure you're playing on the same wheel and ball type. Otherwise the patterns will probably be different and the betting chart will be ineffective.
  • The betting chart will gradually lose effectiveness. They typically last 5 - 20 days. Basically for as long as nothing significant at the wheel changes. If you followed the rules for spin collection, then you would have collected your testing spins immediately after collecting the spins you sent us.


Further Notes

  • The trial is a shortcut version of the full system, but it's enough to evaluate the system. The full system uses slightly different charts and data to track.
  • Test as many spins as you can, provided the dominant diamond and ball type remain the same.


Results To Expect

No amount of testing can ever be 100% conclusive proof of anything. Simply the more testing you do, the clearer the picture becomes. Remember the normal edge against players is -2.7%, but the edge you can expect is around +7%.

This means if you bet 5 numbers for 100 spins, you can expect to win about 15 times, and lose about 85 times. With such a small amount of spins, there is still room for both good and bad luck.

A more worthwhile test would involve tens of thousands of spins, but this is not practical for most players.




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